The predator-proof fence at Karori Wildlife sanctuary is 8.6 km long and 2.2m tall, using over 4000km of wire.

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The Galvanising System

This part of the process is also unique to PWT’s technology because it allows the customer to do single dip Galfan® (ZNA15%) or ZNA110% alongside the standard zinc

The process starts at the cooling section where the wire is cooled prior to entering the zinc bath, creating nil to minimal heat input necessary for the operation of the galvanising furnace.

The wire takes a downward angle through the zinc until it comes in contact with a castable skid and changes to a vertical path up through the zinc before entering the wiping process EMW™, Gas or Pad.

With EMW™, Gas and Pad wiping, the wiping boxes are designed for high quality wiping in a vertical path through the wiping box, ensuring a uniform coating around the wire.

The EMW™, Gas and Pad wiping boxes can be changed from one process to the other very easily and quickly. Combination boxes are used for some customers.