The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco uses 129,000 kilometres of wire in its two main cables.

If you used 4.00mm wire you could possibly save USD $117,990 (thats USD $10 per tonne of wire in Zinc material saved)

Estimate your savings with EMW

Wiping Systems

Quantum™ – EMW™

PWT’s Quantum™– EMW™ is an electro-magnetic wiping unit capable of cost per ton reductions in zinc of more than 25%.

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The Gas Atmosphere Process

PWT’s environmentally friendly Sendzimir System™ prevents steel being exposed to air during the galvanising process, thereby eliminating the use of harmful chemicals and acids in the production process.
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Alternative wiping services offered

The Pad Wiping System

PWT’s pad wiping system is designed to provide a commercial grade, lightly coated wire finish – in both zinc and zinc alloy – by physically removing excess zinc during the galvanising process.
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The Gas Gravel Wiping System

The PWT designed and installed Gas Gravel Wiping System is for galvanising operations that require a thicker layer of zinc at wire speeds normally in the range of DV 120 to DV 160.
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